Spirituality & Health Magazine
Breaking Into The Brain: A journey into the vault holding our greatest mystery.
March/April, 2025
As neurosurgeons, we are all universally humbled by the brain. We struggle to grasp the grandeur and scale of its cytoarchitecture. Every day we confront its unforgiving fragility—be it clinical or just plain physical. How does one coherently understand an organ that bears an uncanny resemblance to an overturned bowlful of curdled custard and yet embraces as many interconnections as there are elementary particles in the universe? Read Article
Spirituality & Health Magazine
A Brain Surgeon’s Stairway to Heaven: Allan Hamilton’s unconventional route to becoming an expert on gray matter.
by Steven Keisling
For the last several weeks I have been trying to wrap my mind around this story about the iconic brain surgeon, Allan Hamilton, M.D. Why? Because he’s finally launching his big book, Cerebral Entanglements: How the Brain Shapes Our Public and Private Lives. He’s been working on this one for years, and I know that because stories in the book have appeared in this magazine. Read Full Article
Spirituality & Health Magazine
We are all are drawn to states of mind that allow us to lose our self-awareness, to find the the state of flow where creativity and profound happiness blossom. Dr. Hamilton’s article, “The Source of Flow & The Battle of the Bottleneck”, looks at how the brain can help or hinder that quest. Read now in spiritualityhealth.com.
Spirituality & Health Magazine
Catch Dr. Hamilton’s article, “Peace Lessons From A War Horse” in the Sept/Oct Issue of Spirituality & Health Magazine.
7 Steps To Making Happiness Last
November/December 2011
The experience of happiness simply doesn’t last. It can’t, given the very nature of the brain. But that fact by no means suggests that happiness is not a worthy pursuit. Of course it is! The key I believe is to pursue happiness in a dedicated way that actually works. And the fact that this path to happiness is proven to work says everything about who we are deep down, and what we truly aspire to. Read Article
The Ultimate Health Practice
Why is the smartest, most adaptable creature on the planet hardwired to stop talking, lose its sense of self, and feel at one with the world — in a profound state of listening? The answer — from the deep roots of Earth religions — could not only save your life but our species. It always has…
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A Recipe to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic, Arizona Daily Star, Op-Ed page, March 31, 2020
The Demise of Formal December 19, 2019
Four Awakenings to Compassion – Lessons From The Minds of Whales
Spirituality & Health July/Aug, 2010
The ability to decipher an artificially derived symbolic language is a trait shared only between Cetaceans and humans.
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Neurons of Compassion
Spirituality & Health July/Aug, 2009
**”Neurons of Compassion” was chosen by editorial staff at Spirituality & Health as one of top 10 articles published in 2010!
Like most great scientific breakthroughs, the discovery of the human mirror neuron system was an accident. What may end up being the most important neuroscientific discovery of the 21st century was uncovered serendipitously because of an ice cream cone.
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Healing Prayers That Work
Spirituality & Health March/April 2008
If you perceive you’re being prayed for and you are being prayed for, you’ll likely feel better.
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Selected On-Line Articles
The Spiritual Struggle Behind Grey’s Anatomy published on The Washington Post – On Faith
By Allan J. Hamilton, MD
As a real-life brain surgeon, I feel it’s important to recognize a bit of historic neurosurgical history being made: Thursday night the fifth season finale of “Grey’s Anatomy” is here. I, for one, am grateful that neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd (played by heart-throb Patrick Dempsey) continues to maintain a busy and demanding clinical practice every Thursday night. Read Article
A Second Chance – and Then Some! – on Creations Magazine
by Allan Hamilton, MD, FACS, • Tucson, AZ
Recently I was on a book tour in Seattle. At the end of my talk at the bookstore, a gentleman came up to me. He was a physician, which is a rarity at my talks. Most doctors are uncomfortable attending a presentation meant to open up a dialogue about the role of spirituality when patients confront severe illness or major surgery. But this man waited until all the book signing was over, and all the other audience members were gone. He had something on his mind.Read Article in Creations Magazine
Pull A Tom Cruise – published on Basil & Spice
The left side does all the talking. It’s where speech, logic, analysis—all the cognitive skills so valued by our society—come from. The left hemisphere of our brain is our species’ crowning evolutionary achievement. It is our left-sided linguistic abilities that launched us into well-coordinated hunter-gatherers. Our ability to make records, to share technologies allowed us to become the master consumers and predators on our planet. Read Article