Upcoming Presentations by Dr. Hamilton

Feb 4, 2025: Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine: “What So Funny? The Neuroscience of Laughter.”

Feb, 12, 2025
: Canyon Ranch, Tucson AZ  “The Healthful Benefits of Laughter.”

Feb. 24, 2025
: Winter Neurosciecne Meeting, Aspen CO. The Judah Folkmna Memorial Lecture: “Mastery and the Art of Surgery.” By invitation only; Book signing event

Feb. 26, 2025
: Winter Neuroscience Meeting, Aspen, CO: “What We Can Learn About Human Nature and Saving Our Species from Shipwrecks.”

March 7, 2025:
Southern Arizona Psychological Association. “The Neuroscience of Laughter,” 10:00-12:00.

March 15, 202
5: 2:30-3:30: Tucson Book Festival – “Medical Mysteries” Panel co-hosted by Allan Hamilton, MD, Sebastian Junger, and Lawrence Ingrassia.University of Arizona Student Union Ballroom  Tucson, AZ

A normal afternoon leads to a near death experience. Unbearable family loss influences the search for a cancer cure. A neurosurgeon witnesses the inexplicable. What part does our brain play in these intriguing mysteries? Three experts weigh in with personal stories and scientific research. Presented by TMC Health President & CEO Jennifer Mendrzycki See more

An Illuminating & Engaging Public Speaker

Dr. Hamilton has given over 500 hundred speeches, lectures, and talks to lay and professional audiences ranging from commencement addresses to keynote addresses to national conventions. He has been selected for the last seven years as one of the country’s leading medical speakers.

It is not just Dr. Hamilton’s wide-ranging content—from Hollywood and its impact on the medical profession to the Neuroscience of Consciousness and from the leadership principles learned in the horse herd to the geopolitics of high-tech approaches to healthcare—but also a wonderful ability to weave stories that deliver the human impact and meaning of these lofty themes.

He has received numerous awards and accolades for his public speaking and has been selected as one of Cunard Cruise’s Elite Speakers for its informational Insights Programmes aboard their ships. He has been a speaker at numerous TED venues and participated in their global meetings.

Drs. Allan and Jane Hamilton also give joint presentations and keynote addresses.

See samples of prior speaking engagements

Subject Areas of Expertise:

Spirituality, Health, and Wellness
The Future of Healthcare in the Twenty-First Century
Technological Innovations and Healthcare
Legal Aspects of Health and Medicine
Media, Medicine, and Creativity
Groundwork and Horsemanship
History of Medicine

“Rarely have I seen speaker at a corporate conference receive a spirited standing ovation. But Dr. Allan Hamilton received a rousing ovation after delivering engaging and provocative remarks at [our conference]…. He is also a delight to work with. An A+ on every level.Louisa Hollman, Hollman Special Events

Delve Deep Into Cerebral Entanglements

Dr. Hamilton has the following presentations and interview subjects based on his latest book, Cerebral Entanglements:

  • The Brain & the Arrow of Time: the Mysteries of How the Brain Sees Time and Why it Flies, Slows, and Stops
  • The New Science of Seeing Inside the Mind of Psychopaths and Mass Murderers
  • Romantic Love: The Neuroscience of the Life’s Greatest Prize and Most Powerful Emotion
  • Compassion, Altruism, and Con Men: The New Neuroscience of Trust
  • Racism, Prejudice, and Bias: A Neuroscientific Perspective
  • The Amazing Science Behind the Mind-Body Connection
  • This Is Your Brain on Religion: The Neuroscience of Faith and Spirituality
  • Ten Amazing Spiritual Guidelines Your Brain Is Wired to Follow
  • Neuro-politics: The New Science of Telling You How to Vote
  • Fermi’s Paradox: Is Humanity Doomed to Wipe Itself Out?
  • The Neuroscience of Laughter: The Mysterious Science of Humor
  • Why Our Brains Love Music
  • A Neuroscientific Reassessment of the Role of Parenting, Education, and Nurturing
  • The Science of Telling the Truth and the Art of Lying
  • Bet on Artificial Intelligence: The Not So Pretty Truth of Why Computers Will Win
  • The Surprising Neuroscience About Happiness
  • The Crying Truth: The Science Behind Sadness, Depression, and Grief
  • Can Humanity Save Itself? Yes, But….
  • The Terrible Experiment: How We Let Our Kids Fall Victim to Games, the Internet, and Social Media
  • Mass Murder: Why Our Kids Are Killing Us.
  • The New Neuroscience of Tribal Priorities and Politics
  • You’ll Buy It! The Power of Neuromarketing
  • AI has hacked human language: now what?
  • What the Brain Tells Us About Solving Police Violence
  • The Neuroscience of Addressing Racism and Prejudice
  • Sexual Identity and Gender: The Politics of What’s Going On in Our Brains
  • Why do Simple, Common Sense Political Solutions Evade Us?

“On behalf of our entire senior leadership and all the management teams, I want to thank you for being the keynote speaker at our annual retreat at the Sahara Resort in Las Vegas. Without a doubt, the presentation on “Creating a Culture of Value and a Valued Culture” was the most moving and engaging talk we’ve ever had at a retreat. In a post-COVID world where our corporation faces unique challenges, your words were not only timely but deeply inspirational. The harmonious blend of theory and poignant, heart-warming anecdotes—especially the one about your son and the lunch pail—had everyone buzzing throughout the lunch hour. An overwhelming number of attendees personally thanked me for bringing you on board as this year’s speaker.”

— JM, Corporate VP for Sales

“Dr Hamilton’s deep mastery of AI in Medical Education was truly impressive, made all the more engaging with his vivid anecdotes. The Q&A session was particularly enlightening, shedding light on their unique AI-driven approaches to educational challenges. Additionally, hisgenerosity in sharing the PowerPoint slides was much appreciated.”
— Dr. S. C. University of Michigan
“It’s evident that Dr Hamilton possesses not only an exceptional understanding of AI but also a knack for storytelling that keeps the audience enthralled. His readiness to answer our myriad questions and share his presentation material was a testament to his commitment to the topic and the audience.”
— Prof. LM, Oxford University, Centre for Med. Educational.

A Sampling of Presentation Topics

Science of the Brain and the Mind

What is it like to see into the mind of a psychopath or a serial killer? Recently, brain imaging studies have permitted us to do just that: to see how the brains of violent, psychopathic individuals differ from normal ones. Familial, multi-generational patterns of violence and other supporting evidence suggest there may be genetic markers or tendencies for aggressive behavior.

The debate over genetic versus environmental influences on brain development will be discussed in several cases. Finally, what can brain function of psychopathic killers teach normal, nonviolent individuals about mood, behavior, and anger management in our own lives?

Neuroscience is now able to peer into the brains of people who are falling in love or being rejected by the person they love. We can see what happens to couples that have been happily married for several decades. Discovers what happens in our brains when we fall in love at first sight. Learn how different the male brain is from the female brain. And, finally, how does a happy, sustained marriage change the neurochemistry of the brain.

There is no emotion we value more than that of compassion and the altruistic acts it inspires. Recently, science has uncovered a remarkable system of neurons reveal the brain’s mechanisms for empathy and emotional insight. Dr. Allan Hamilton explains the significance of the MNS from infancy.  He explores how it shapes our social skills and the darker territory of why we can be cruel as individuals and as a species

What is it like to see into the mind of a psychopath or a serial killer? Recently, brain imaging studies have permitted us to do just that: to see how the brains of violent, psychopathic individuals differ from normal ones. Familial, multi-generational patterns of violence and other supporting evidence suggest there may be genetic markers or tendencies for aggressive behavior.

The debate over genetic versus environmental influences on brain development will be discussed in several cases. Finally, what can brain function of psychopathic killers teach normal, nonviolent individuals about mood, behavior, and anger management in our own lives?

Neuroscience is now able to peer into the brains of people who are falling in love or being rejected by the person they love. We can see what happens to couples that have been happily married for several decades. Discovers what happens in our brains when we fall in love at first sight. Learn how different the male brain is from the female brain. And, finally, how does a happy, sustained marriage change the neurochemistry of the brain.

There is no emotion we value more than that of compassion and the altruistic acts it inspires. Recently, science has uncovered a remarkable system of neurons reveal the brain’s mechanisms for empathy and emotional insight. Dr. Allan Hamilton explains the significance of the MNS from infancy.  He explores how it shapes our social skills and the darker territory of why we can be cruel as individuals and as a species

Some comments on Dr Hamilton’s resent presentation “Criminal Intent: Looking Inside the Mind of Psychopathic Killers and Mass Murderers”

“The way the speaker delved deeply into the minds of psychopathic killers, linking their actions with neuroimaging studies, was both fascinating and enlightening. It was a complex topic, but the entertaining anecdotes made it accessible for all of us.”

 “I must admit I never thought I would be so captivated by a talk on the topic of brain imaging and the nature of psychopathic killers but you made it into a challenging and engaging subject. Your ability to seamlessly tie together real-life stories with functional brain studies was nothing short of masterful.”
— CR, Vice Chair, TWBLG

 “It’s rare to find someone who can break down the intricacies of such a dark, complex, and scary topic in a way that resonates with a lay audience. The anecdotes about first-person shooter games and the changes it can produce in brain activity were both chilling and informative, making it a presentation I won’t soon forget.”
— EC, Ventana Medical Systems

Medicine and Healthcare

Despite being a celebrated brain surgeon in the United States, it took Dr. Allan Hamilton years to see for himself that the best medicine considers not only patients’ bodies, but also their minds and spirits as well.

He will share stories about the power of the human spirit in overcoming illness. 

Medical adverse events (MAEs) represent the third leading cause of death in the USA. Dr. Allan Hamilton, a staunch advocate of eliminating errors in the healthcare system, helps you establish the best defense you will need against medical mistakes and ten rules to make sure MAEs don’t happen to you because of human error.

Learn from one of the pioneers in compassionate medical training, what is in store for us in the twenty-first century when it comes to healthcare.

Dr. Allan Hamilton will review the latest technology and how it will lead us into personalized medicine and precision outcomes. Also, learn how to harness this technology so you can develop a sophisticated approach to preventive and an integrative strategy to your own health. 

Corporate Growth, Leadership and Innovation

Dr. Hamilton, a Harvard-trained brain surgeon is also a world-renowned horse whisperer. He shares fascinating insights from his work with training and rescuing wild horses and Lipizzaner stallions. He translates the insights from how horses engage the non-verbal, intuitive right-sided hemispheric functions into how this can lead to profound and intuitive insights that we can apply to principles in our own lives.

This talk has been given to Costco and several other Fortune 500 companies and is a favorites with business, philanthropic and political leaders

Dr. Hamilton explores the history behind some of medicine’s greatest scientific breakthroughs. He discusses the financial costs of delivering “cutting edge” medical technology, the political issues surrounding inequities in healthcare access and availability, and, finally, the broader ethical issues of delivering better global healthcare at reduced costs.

Dr. Hamilton examines the importance of human language function to the progress of civilization and its impact on the past and future of innovation.

A lifetime of working with horses has provided Dr. Hamilton with a unique perspective on how our notions of leadership change as we shift our perspective from striving for individual distinction as a member of the pack to seeking inclusion and communion within the herd.

The new leadership styles of the 21st century call for an inclusive partnership rather than an exclusive position.

Schedule Dr Hamilton For Your Next Meeting, Retreat or Event

Dr Hamilton has been a speaker at the following:

  1. Invited Guest Speaker: Royal College of Surgeons, London, England, “From Leonardo da Vinci to the Present: Anatomical Models for Surgical Simulation,” Hunterian Museum, London, England, 25 August 2023
  2. Guest Speaker: “Lessons from the Herd: Models of Compassionate Leadership,” Eureka Resort Group Annual Managers Meeting, Sands Hotel Ballroom, Las Vegas, NV, 24 May 2023
  3. Invited Speaker: “Understanding Medical School in the Context of Postgraduate Residency Training,” New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, 1 May 2023
  4. Keynote Speaker: The Judah Folkman Memorial Lectureship. “How to Survive and Thrive in Residency.” The Viewline Ballroom, Aspen, CO, Wednesday, 1 March 2023
  5. Invited Speaker: Scientific Program for Annual Winter Clinics for Cranial and Spinal Surgery: “The Brain and the Arrow of Time,” Wednesday, 1 March 2023; Snowmass, CO.
  6. Guest Speaker: Psychology Rounds, Maclean’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital: On the Neuroscience of Psychopathic Killers and Mass Murderers, Boston, MA, January 16, 2023
  7. Keynote Speaker: Arizona Psychological Association and Southern Arizona Psychology Association Annual Joint Meeting, “What Went Wrong with Our Brains During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Neuroscience of Existential Crises.” Remote virtual meeting. April 22, 2022.
  8. Invited Speaker: “The Promise, Failure, and Disgrace of Psychosurgery,” Amphitheater B, Harvard Medical School, November 5, 2021, Boston, MA
  9. Invited Speaker: “Can Humanity Adapt to Existential Crises?” Local Chapter, American Physiology Society, Amphitheater, Health Sciences Innovation Building, University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85718, October 28, 2021.
  10. Keynote Speaker: “How Military Service Has Made Me a Better Physician,” the National University Warriors Project, National Zoom Webinar, August 25, 2021
  11. Keynote Address: “Adapting to Existential Crises in a Pandemic-Prone Future. Haworth Educational Forum, Zoom Webinar (approx.1000 participants); sponsored by Haworth Inc. Holland, MI, Dec. 11, 2020
  12. Keynote Address: “Fear and Loathing in the Time of COVID-19: A Neuroscientific Perspective on the Impact of the Pandemic on the Future of Design and Architecture,” Zoom Webinar (approx. 2500 participants); sponsored by Kohl furniture and the Canadian Design Institute, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 22, 2020.
  13. Keynote Address: “How Come My Brain Stopped Working During the COVID-19 Crisis?” Applied Brilliance Global Webinar (~2500 participants); April 30, 2020.
  14. Invited Guest Lecture: “Hexagonal Neuronal Fields in the Hippocampus: How the Brain Encodes Time, Place, and Experience,” Banner Health and University of Arizona Health Sciences Conference, HSIB Forum, Feb. 29, 2020
  15. Invited Guest Faculty Lecture: “How the Brain Encodes Time, Space, and Experience.” The 2020 Mayfield, Mayo, and Cleveland Clinics’ Joint Winter Clinics for Cranial and Spinal Surgery, the Westin Snowmass Conference Center, Snowmass, CO, Feb. 26, 2020.
  16. The Judah Folkman Memorial Lecture: “How to Survive Residency.” The 2020 Mayfield, Mayo, and Cleveland Clinics’ Joint Winter Clinics for Cranial and Spinal Surgery, the Westin Snowmass Conference Center, Snowmass, CO, Feb. 26, 2020.
  17. Invited Guest Lecturer: “The Hexagonal Neuronal Fields in the Human Hippocampus: A Unified Field Theory of How the Brain Encodes Time, Place, and Experience, 10th Annual Medical Innovation Institute, University Marriott, Bethesda, Maryland, Nov. 19, 2019.
  18. Keynote Address: “Medicine and Emerging Technology: For Better or for Worse?” 13th Annual Ozarks Neuroscience Education (ONE) Clinics ; Big Cedar Lodge Conference Center, Branson, MO; August 22, 2019
  19. Invited Speaker, Annual Banquet Speech: “The Changing Face of Medicine in Public Policy,” 13th Annual Ozarks Neuroscience Education (ONE) Clinics ; Big Cedar Lodge Conference Center, Branson, MO; August 23, 2019
  20. Invited Presentation, “Single Shot State Detection in Simulation-based Laparoscopy Training,” (Co-authors: Kuo Shiuan Peng, Minsik Hong, Jerzy Rozenblit and Allan Hamilton); Annual Meeting of International Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) Conference, Tucson, AZ, Sabino Ballroom, Student Union, University of Arizona Main Campus, April 30, 2019
  21. Invited Presentation: “Evaluation of Learning Curve and Peripheral Awareness Using a Novel Multiresolution Foveated Laparoscope,” (Ca-authors: Marissa Lovett, Jeremy Katz, Sangyoon Lee, David Biffar, Mike Nguyen and Allan Hamilton); Annual Meeting of International Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) Conference, Tucson, AZ, Sabino Ballroom, Student Union, University of Arizona Main Campus, April 30, 2019
  22. Invited Presentation: “Enhancing a Laparoscopy Training System with Augmented Reality Visualization,” (Co-authors; Hao Jiang, Siqing Xu, Minsik Hong, Andrei State, Fan Feng, Allan Hamilton, Jerzy Rozenblit and Henry Fuchs); Annual Meeting of International Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) Conference, Tucson, AZ, Sabino Ballroom, Student Union, University of Arizona Main Campus, April 30, 2019
  23. Invited Presentation, “Enhancing a Laparoscopy Training System with Augmented Reality Visualization,” (Co-authors: Hao Jiang, Siqing Xu, Minsik Hong, Andrei State, Fan Feng, Allan Hamilton, Jerzy Rozenblit and Henry Fuchs); Annual Meeting of International Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) Conference, Tucson, AZ, Sabino Ballroom, Student Union, University of Arizona Main Campus, April 30, 2019.
  24. Invited Presentation, “When Hollywood Inspires Medicine: New Concepts in the Design and Architecture of Medical Simulation Facilities to Support Inter-Professional Healthcare Education and Training,” (Co-authors: Allan Hamilton, Marissa Lovett,Jonathan Kanda, David Biffar and Ronald Weinstein); Annual Meeting of International Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) Conference, Tucson, AZ, Sabino Ballroom, Student Union, University of Arizona Main Campus, May 1, 2019.
  25. Invited Presentation, “The Use of Remote and Traditional Facilitation to Evaluate Telesimulation to Support Inter-professional Education and Processing in Healthcare Simulation Training,” (Co-authors; Coy Collins, Marissa Lovett, David Biffar, Karen Holder, Mike Holcomb, Peter Yonsetto, Ronald Weinstein and Allan Hamilton); Annual Meeting of International Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) Conference, Tucson, AZ, Sabino Ballroom, Student Union, University of Arizona Main Campus, May 1, 2019.
  26. Invited Panelist, Challenges in Healthcare Simulation – Clinical and Research Perspectives, Annual Meeting of International Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) Conference, Tucson, AZ, Sabino Ballroom, Student Union, University of Arizona Main Campus, May 1, 2019.
  27. Invited Guest Speaker: “Intellectual Properties: The Neuroscience of Innovation,” Howarth Annual Conference, Parker House Palm Springs, Palm Springs, CA April 26, 2019.
  28. Invited Guest Speaker: “The Use of the Horse in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).” Sierra Tucson, Oro Valley, AZ April 12, 2019.
  29. Invited Guest Speaker: “Ancient Values, Modern Healthcare,” Optical Science Auditorium, Optical Science Building, University of Arizona, Annual Alpha Epsilon Delta Presentation, April 9, 2019
  30. Invited Speaker: “What the Brain Can Teach Us About Love.” Ivy League Club, Arizona Inn Ballroom, Elm Street, Tucson, AZ; Friday, Dec. 7, 2018
  31. Invited Faculty: “How Do We Stitch Integrative, Alternative, and Allopathic Medicine Together?” Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tortuga Ranch workshop, Nov. 13, 2018.